Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tyson and trailers...

Saw the new Mike Tyson documentary tonight. Really interesting. The guy is perplexing. I read psychology books, listened to lectures on numerous topics of the mind and human psyche and after having seen this movie I can honestly say I have no fucking clue what is going on in that man's head.

He was hands down the most devastating and ferocious heavy weight we've ever seen and most likely will stay that way until our collective memories fade and new champs start to over shadow the legacies of the old (i.e. The LeBron James vs. MJ effect). Overall I recommend the movie if you are interested in him as a person because he recounts nearly every well known and not so well known part of his life and holds very little back. Much like his fighting style, he pulls very few punches.

The track at the end by Nas was worth sticking around afterward for as well.

Side bar: There look to be at least 4 or more stellar movies coming out this summer that I hadn't seen or heard about that were shown as trailers before the movie.
One is a documentary on Lebron James' highschool team and their run. Good timing given the fact that when it does come out he'll be receiving the Finals MVP trophy and, if I may so boldly predict right now, be the first to do so going undefeated in the playoffs (I wish I had my own personal stats person to check my facts like on P.T.I....hmmm, Google much?)

Another movie was called Moon. Absolutely crazy premise and I can't wait to see it. I'll try to dig up some more info on these tomorrow as it's too lazylate right now. Can't get anything done at lazylate hours.

There was a flick with Denzel Washington and Travolta that might be good. The idea has been done dozens of times already but sometimes they throw in nuances that make them worth the $37.75 movie going fee.

The last one i remember was about John Dillinger. Has Depp and Bale starring in it so that might have promise. They rarely do bad shit and combined it seems close to Hollywood failproof one should think.


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