Thursday, April 9, 2009

Just some Billy Bob Thornbag

I have been setting up my portfolio. The prints are not the right size so that put a speed bump in the way. Hopefully I can get that taken care of soon.

So posting on youtube is pretty brain-dead easy. Go figure. I am planning to put up a couple videos soon that will show how the small and medium (manual) Oh2B's work cause some people just don't get it or can't be bothered to read my text description of it. Video seems to be the way to go.

I have a few places in mind in Gastown that I would like to put them in. This is why the portfolio is on the go. As soon as Growing up somehow is complete I will make one more medium Oh2B and ask them if they care to do some biz-niz and set up a deal.

Ultimately I would like to be able to package the mediums and be able to ship them. This would be a pretty hefty sum at the moment since the weight and height are concerns. But I have a plan and in the long run hope to figure it all out.

So as a separate non related issue - Check out Billy Bob acting like a total DB here. Overall I'm a fan of his acting and appreciate his skills. Humping halle barry in film is commendable and getting big lip jolie to tattoo his name on her skin was also quite remarkable. For that I applaud you sir. But his behaviour in this clip dropped him down a couple pegs on the 'human scale', in my books anyway.

Yes, we get it, you are a holier-than-thou purest who thinks that everyone needs to adhere to your every beck and call or else you will act like a pretentious baby and make them feel inferior.

I understand where he is coming from in the sense that they (someone) gave specific instructions to them (someone else at the radio station) not to focus on the fact that he is already famous as an actor but still, get over yourself buddy. Take the high ground. Not the sniveling asshole ground.

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