Monday, August 31, 2009

A blog for PokerListings

Here is the link to the Blog.

Durrr Challenge & InFantonius

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Parting Ways - Pearl Jam

I hope to get a chance to hear this live in Vancouver on September 25th.

Driftin' awaaaaaaaaaay

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

DJ Shadow - You Can't go Home Again

If you crave 7 minutes of chilling the fuck out or, conversely, getting fired up, listen to this. It'll get you there. Let it sink in.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Piggyback mascot

I can't tell if this would have been funnier if she got hurt or not. I mean, it's sorta hilarious as it is but I wonder if this could have had more long-term staying power if the guy totally fucked her up and ruined her career. But anyway, enjoy.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

When I'm not looking....Zeppelin is!

Monday, August 17, 2009


Jason Tucker catch. Just felt like reliving this.
My favourite Eskimo receiver of all-time. He consistently made mind-boggling catches like this.

Check the level of difficulty on this catch. First he has to change the shoulder he is looking over at full speed and maintain his route and re-find the ball in the air. That is not easy. Then, with one hand, he stretches out and pulls in a pass that is easily bombed over 50 yards with a defender behind him and one approaching at full-throttle from the side. The concentration level is off the charts.

Factor all of that in with the fact that he gets hit from the side just as he is trying to coral the ball into his body with less than a minute to go with his team down 4. Watch the way he switches hands to absorb the fall before he hits the ground. Incredible.

Sheeeiiiiit. JT, you sir, are the man!

The Other Team: hoorah!

Pretty funny parody. Coach losing it is pretty funny.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Local TV

This was on some local Vancouver TV station. Clearly the lady is an expert dog handler and a master of obedience. Hilarious dogs i might add.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Phantom of Bleep Bloop

The guys at College Humor are just fuckin hilarious. I watch it a lot. The phantom is always clutch.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Single Handed Sailor

I like the energy they put into this.
Dire Straits - Single Handed Sailor

Modest Mouse - King Rat

New song. New album.

Already able to see it performed here live. Awesome song.
Hoping to catch them on tour if they pass on through Van again.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jason McElwain Autistic Basketball Player

This isn't new but it's great to watch.
Ball hog imo.

Beautiful Minds: Stephen Wiltshire

More things that the (autistic?) brain can achieve. These abilities are evidence that the human mind is capable of much more than we realize/utilize.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Let's throw some babies shall we?

This speaks for itself. Needless to say, the comments on youtube have been disabled for this. What an absolutely wild ritual this is. How does it start and how is it justified? Even though they catch all of them (on this video at least) a bad toss could lead to some serious head or neck damage. But who am I to judge?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Supernatural at Rock the Bells - August 1, 2009

I like this video for the ending. You will see why. It sort of reminds me of the ending to the Q-tip video that is blogged earlier in July -

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's different, it's different. Y'know, and like, it's different

This is genuine and entertaining in it's genuinititity.

"...and like it can turn into a serious relationship like me and Janet. Because like, its different.....Im probably gonna be with her for the rest of the summer."
